Hope Springs Eternal

What the…? September 17, 2008

So, what the hell have I been up to? Well, lots…really. But, most of it seems out of the realm of this silly little blog. Kids back to school. Me back to work. Lots of decluttering and cleaning. Saying good bye to dear friends. Thinking about my aging parents and the meaning of life. Anger over the Republicians obvious manipulation of the gullible population.Things like that, but this blog isn’t about that stuff.

What I’ve been reading:

The Various Flavors of Coffee by Anthony Capella. Pretty fun. I love coffee and historical fiction so this is a natural.

Recent Favorite Cookbook:

Gourmet Indian in Minutes by Monisha Bharadwaj. Great. I made Eggplant paulao last night in about 25 mins and it was yummy. Now if I could only make Nan bread.

Book I can’t believe I’ve been using:

Kim Lyon’s Your Body, Your Life by Kim Lyon. Kind of embarrassing, but I do like her exercises. She convinced me to buy some small weights. I want nicely muscular arms.

Book on the way:

The Other Queen by Phillipa Gregory. Yippee, it is on it’s way. Ms. Gregory is a favorite.

I’ve been craving a really good berry cobbler all summer. I thought I was going to get on at the Plate and Pitchfork dinner, but the “buckle” they served was made with filo dough and had exactly two black berries in it (Phaaa!). So, last week I made this and it was fantastic:

And, finally, just because it is funny and a spotted belly is a good thing: