Hope Springs Eternal

Rain now, sun soon… May 4, 2009

Filed under: cherries,dogwood,dreams,garden,greens,growth,peas,rain,snow peas,spring,sunshine,Uncategorized — clutterlibrarian @ 11:24 pm


It’s dark and rainy here, which should not seem that odd to me, but we have had a taste of Spring and sun and it is hard to go back. I am thinking wistfully of the veggies I could not plant today and of the run I could not take today- like Spring used to bring wistful thoughts of loves that were no more- of kisses shared and lost before the season could change.

april2009-064We had some sun and all were leaping around like little lambs. Everything is growing so fast and the flowers are opening in wild abandon. Now is the time. The daffodils have treated us to there Spring time beauty and now we are greeting by the cheerful tulips and the sweetly sexy lilacs. The sides of the streets are lined with pink cheery blossom flowers- decadent confetti of a spring time parade.

april2009-073The peas and greens are growing well. The buttercrisp lettuce is almost too pretty to eat! I have decided to grow a lot more veggies this year. I have about twice as much veggie area ready and waiting which is very exciting.

april2009-140Across the creek the Dogwoods are blooming so lovely  (where there that many last year?). On sunny, peaceful moments it’s a treat to stand down on our dock and look out on the water. A big raptor of some sort (I still have not got a good look of it) has nested in one of the neighbors big fir trees. One evening my hubby and oldest daughter went for a row and brought me back a Dogwood branch- so lovely.

april2009-226May Spring bring you the growth you have been waiting all winter for.


Garden as Sacred Space August 18, 2008

Filed under: gardens,planning,rain,trees — clutterlibrarian @ 2:49 pm

For me- and many- the garden is a sacred place- a place for meditation and ritual. A church, if you like. I know no better way to connect to the Divine that to work in my garden- or just walk in the garden- opening my senses and connecting with all that it around me.

When I am planning a garden space- and I am planning a new area with terrace beds and a sitting area by the barn- I like to think about a few important things:
*How will the space be used? Alone or with people? In the daytime or the evening?
*How much sun does the space get a day?
*What are the energies of the area? Spend time there and listen with both your ears and your heart.
*What do you want from the plants? Fragrance? Flowers? Shade?

It’s raining and cool here today, so after a cup of coffee, I’m going out to cut down a few trees. Not something I usually do, but I have decided that a few trees need to go so that the veggie garden gets some much needed sun.

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